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Step-Parent Adoption in Iowa

Daniel Willems Dec. 11, 2018

Step-parent adoption in Iowa is a fairly straightforward process, especially with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney. Adopting your step-child can be a time of joy for both the child and new parent, providing security and stability to the whole family.

How Does Step-Parent Adoption Differ from Other Adoptions?

Unlike many other types of adoption, a step-parent will already have a relationship with the child they are adopting. This is a large proponent to the differences in the step-parent adoption process. Some of the main differences include:

  • No long wait periods

  • No home study required

  • Lower costs

What Steps Must Be Taken for Step-Parent Adoption in Iowa?

To adopt your step-child in Iowa, there are a few steps you must take. All of these steps can be completed with the help of your family law attorney and are not overly time-consuming. They include:

  • Getting consent from or terminating the parental rights of the noncustodial parent (if applicable)

  • Filing a petition for adoption at the local courthouse

  • Scheduling a court date with a judge to complete the adoption

While step-parent adoption in Iowa can be a very straightforward process, there is always the possibility of complications arising. To ensure that your adoption is as easy and stress-free as possible, work with a family law attorney, like Daniel Willems. To learn more about working with Daniel Willems, request a free consultation.