A prenuptial agreement, also known as a premarital agreement or “prenup,” is a legal agreement between two individuals before they marry. The purpose of the prenup is to protect the interests of one or both individuals if the marriage ends in divorce.
When you decide to sell your home, you have the choice of working with a real estate agent or doing on your own. Whether you choose to work with an agent or not, partnering with a real estate attorney can help move the process along more quickly and efficiently
If you believe your marriage is not legally valid, you may qualify for an annulment in Iowa. Unlike a divorce, which is the end of a legal marriage, an annulment means you were never legally married to begin with.
Choosing to adopt can be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll ever make. However, the adoption process can be long and overwhelming if you choose to do it without a family law attorney.
While the traditional American family may be made up of a mom, dad and kids, adoption laws in Iowa allow for people age 21 or older to adopt regardless of their marital status. This means that unmarried adults have the legal right to adopt.
While Iowa citizens know they should create wills, the reality is not everyone gets to it before they pass on. If you die and you haven’t made a will yet, the state of Iowa will pass along your possessions to your heirs in a process known as intestate succession.
It can be heartbreaking for a grandparent who is denied access to their grandchildren by their child or their child’s spouse. While grandparents do have legal rights to visitation in Iowa, there are hurdles in the way. Learn what the state mandates regarding grandparent visitation.
Divorce is difficult for all parties involved, including any children you and your partner may have. By using mediation, an alternative dispute resolution tactic, you may be able to come to an agreement on major and minor issues faster to reduce the emotional burden.